Pricing for Wills, Will Trusts and Lasting powers of attorney
Important! Please note that we are not taking new work on currently until the end of March 2025 at the earliest. This does not affect existing clients however, but we can not take on new clients until at least March, so please feel free to call at that time. We will update our status if anything changes. Thank you and apologies for any inconvenience.
Our pricing is based on a full start to finish service, with free ongoing help and advice, and very low cost amendments. Therefore, if you are comparing pricing, be aware that firms which offer very low pricing may well be aiming to sell you many additional services, and may use instruction takers who simply take your information and pass it onto head office, rather than advisers who have enormous experience and draft bespoke Wills. Our pricing therefore reflects the high service level and level of advice we offer.
Despite the above, we have a range of pricing to reflect the time we will need to spend with you, and the level of advice you may need.
For probate pricing, click here.
Despite the above, we have a range of pricing to reflect the time we will need to spend with you, and the level of advice you may need.
For probate pricing, click here.
Home appointmentsWe will see you at home, and provide full advice, making sure you are aware of all options for your Will, and we will ask in depth questions to advise on making sure your Will is tax efficient, watertight, and will do the job.
Single Wills: £300 Mirror Wills: £450 Will trusts are also offered and advised on, and this may be suitable for tax planning, protection against future issues affecting your wealth, and issues affecting your beneficiaries. There is an additional cost of £240 per person for Will trusts. For example, if a single person making a Will, also wanted a trust, then the cost would be £300 plus £240 = £540. If a couple both need will trusts then the cost would be £450 plus £480 = £930. Lasting powers of attorney are also very, very important documents to have, and we charge £360 for one LPA for one person, or £600 for both LPAs, or for a couple taking both sets of LPAs (one health and one finance each), the cost is £960 |
Video appointmentsFull advice video appointments are 20% lower in price than home appointments, as we pass on the travel and time savings to you.
This means the pricing is as follows: Single Wills: £240 Mirror Wills: £360 There is an additional cost of £192 per person for Will trusts. For example, if a single person making a Will, also wanted a trust, then the cost would be £240 plus £192 = £432. If a couple both need will trusts then the cost would be £360 plus £384 = £744. Lasting powers of attorney are also very, very important documents to have, and by video we charge £288 for one LPA for one person, or £480 for both LPAs, or for a couple taking both sets of LPAs (one health and one finance each), the cost is £768 |
Fast-track video appointmentsIf you require a very straightforward solution, and are not in need of full advice and recommendation, then we can offer a low price fast track solution.
Single Wills: £160 Mirror Wills: £280 Lasting powers of attorney: Single person: £240 for one LPA, or £360 for both Couples taking both sets of LPAs = £600 To qualify for this, you need to confirm the following: You have no overseas property. You are not excluding a spouse or child, or giving an unequal share to surviving children. You do not need a trust (other than a simple children's 18-25 trust for example). You are happy to create a Will without an in depth look at your inheritance tax position. There may be individual reasons why we can not offer a fast track option - and will advise if this is the case. If the above all apply, then we can offer a fast-track, simple Will solution. All appointments are by video, and you need to provide us with the information below before we meet. Meetings are usually c. 30 minutes long, as we will not be providing the level of advice as our full meetings (which have no time limit but are usually c. 90 minutes long). You still receive free ongoing help and support with a fast-track service, and low cost amendments. Information required up-front for fast track Wills and LPAs
Full name, title, date of birth and address for the person/people making a Will.
Full name, address, and relationship of all people to be named in the Will. This will include beneficiaries, executors and guardians for example. Please provide a simple outline of your estate value - e.g. you may own a house worth £400,000 plus savings of £25,000. Please then email these details to [email protected] before the video appointment. |